Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tristan's Surgery Update

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well and pain free. I just wanted you to know our updates. I recieved a letter from the Manukau Super Clinic a few weeks ago. They said we now have to wait for 6 months just to have an appointment to see the plastic surgeon to examine Tristan's chest. I did think that perhaps his surgery may be of happened in that time but alas, patience is what we need.

I also just wanted you to know that since the letter, my son has gone on to be the 'Best High Jumper' for his age in Central Auckland. Next Thursday he goes to the Championship Athletics to jump for the title for the 'Best High Jumper' in the whole of Auckland. I am monstrously proud and I am so pleased he had an opportunity to experience this before his surgery.

Love Rowena

x x x x


  1. Rowena, your one tough cookie. The way you manage to carry on with your life whilst your health conspires against you and Tristan is amazing. One day hopefully it'll all come good for you both. In the mean time hang in there.
    Pete ;)
