Saturday, January 30, 2010

OH NO.....NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!

The Angels must have been looking down on me again. On Sunday I had another sharp pain in the back of my head. By Tuesday the left side of my face was numb. If you have been checking up on my Blog, 3 years ago I had an artery dissection. Anyway, I went to the doctor and I was sent straight to hospital. The Accident & Emergency Doctors thought I had possibly had a stroke, cerebral bleed or my artery had dissected again. I cried and cried and I was so angry that my life finally felt like it was on track and this had happened again. Then came the test:
* 7 X-rays of my chest and neck,
* CT scan,
* MRI scan,
* Blood test,
* Stroke examinations with 4 Neurology doctors,
* And a very horrible drip in my wrist pumping litres on fluid into my blood stream.
I was in hospital for 49 of the longest hours waiting for my results. Finally, the Neurology team arrived. They all looked at me and I held my breath. "What has made my face numb?" There first response was "We do not know?" So I said "Okay, then what did you find?" Because my face was still numb and I had a dull, heaviness in the back of my head I thought it had to be something. They said..."There is absolutely nothing wrong with you". I couldn't believe it, I actually clapped for what seemed like several minutes. My brain and arteries were healthy and nothing had been damaged. The most amazing news was that a Neurologist told me that they were really pleased to see that my past dissection had healed so well that they couldn't even tell that it had been damaged. I left the hospital 15 minutes later with the biggest smile that my face had felt in a very long time. The great thing was, that it didn't happen again and I was healthy and lucky enough that I could go back to the life that I am enjoying being part of so much. The final diagnoses was that it may have been a facial migraine. I now affectionately have the title of "DRAMA QUEEN" at my school as I worried everyone so much and ended up being fine!

Love Rowena X

1 comment:

  1. I am so pleased for you. For the record I think you were entitled to be Drama Queen bearing in mind previous experience.

    On reading the title of your post in my Reader i could barely open the post and read rapidly to the end with my breath held. No wonder you were distraught waiting for the news reading to the end of the post was heart rending.

    Its not good about the migraine side of things obviously but the fact it wasn't more ominous is good good news.
